JCR Open Meeting Minutes Meeting on 09.03.2022 at 19.00 UK time ________________ List of Committee Members Names, initials and pronouns Role and * to mark non-attendance Jamie Charles, JC, she/her President George Stokes, GS, he/him Vice President James O’Garro, JO, he/him* Treasurer Jacob Hougie, JH, he/him Secretary Keelan Shorten, KS, he/him Welfare Vasilisa Grachova, VG, she/they Welfare Ben Palmer-Welch, BPW, he/him* Welfare James Walker, JW, he/him Academic and Access Kitty Joyce, KJ, she/her* Green Yifei Zheng, YZ, he/him* Catering, Accommodation and Facilities Matthew Wadey, MW, he/him* Sports and Societies Gosia Szakowska, GoSz, she/her* Ents Muhammad Mahmoud, MM, he/him Ethnic Minorities Neve Baskar, NB, she/her* International Students Emma Gibson, EG, she/they/he LGBTQ+ Lucy Trusler, LT, she/her* Gender Equalities Malachi Gee, MG, he/him Disabled Students Izaac Mammadov, IM, he/him Computing ________________ Agenda Summary of Key Points 3 1. Referral to ballot of the proposed JCR Constitution (JC) 4 2. Any Other Business 4 Summary of Key Points The JCR voted to refer the new constitution to ballot, which will take place on Saturday. ________________ 0. Administrative Matters – Apologies and Approval of Minutes Meeting begins at 19.12[1]. MW, NB, GoSz, LT, BPW and KJ are absent with apologies. JO and YZ are absent. JC welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming. ________________ 1. Referral to ballot of the proposed JCR Constitution (JC) JC explained that the JCR constitution is now ready and has been approved by EB. Therefore, now all that is needed is for it to be approved by ballot, which would take place on Saturday.[2] If the ballot is approved and succeeds on Saturday, the JCR constitution would work a lot better and allow much more ease in JCR activities. Vote to refer to ballot: 24 in favour, 1 abstention ________________ 2. Any Other Business There was no other business. Meeting ends at 19.15.[3] ________________ [1] While we waited for quorum, the JCR resolved to reply to Corporeals with compliments for their favourite and dearly loved Secretary [2] The constitution, with an explanation of some of the changes made since the last referendum was emailed out with the Week 7 Corporeal [3] Quite possibly a record breaking meeting - only 12 minutes to reach quorum and then only 3 minutes of meeting.