JCR Open Meeting Minutes Meeting on 7.10.2021 at 19:30 UK time ________________ List of Committee members Name, initials and pronouns Role and attendance Zachary Aw Zheng Quan (ZA, he/him) President Kit Edgecliffe-Johnson (KEJ, he/him) Vice President Annie Huang (AH, she/her) Treasurer Dominic Bielby (DB, he/him) Secretary Ben Mulley (BM, he/him) Welfare Annie Willis (AW, she her) Welfare Toby Mayhew (TM, he/him) Welfare Jamie Charles (JC, she/her) Academic and Access Sophie Mance (SM, she/her) Green* George Stokes (GS, he/him) Catering, Accommodation and Facilities Geethana Yogarajah (GY, she/her) Sports and Societies Eimear Pickstone (EP, she/her) Ents Anitta Sibin (AS, she/her) Ethnic Minorities* Giorgi Melia (GM, he/him) International Students James Walker (JW, he/him) LGBTQ+ Nell Ivimey-Parr (NIP, she/her) Gender Equalities Claire Collins (CC, they/she) Disabled Students Izaac Mammadov (IM, he/him) Computing ________________ Agenda 0. Administrative matters 4 1. Use of alcohol left over from the JCR Welcome Drinks (ZA) 4 2. Punting (ZA) 5 3. Constitutional amendment (KEJ) 6 4. Alternative arrangements due to lack of formals (ZA) 7 5. AOB 8 Summary of key points: 1. JCR votes in favour of using alcohol left over from the JCR Welcome Drinks for ‘re-Freshers’ events which are to be organised. 2. JCR votes in favour of purchasing a new punt. 3. JCR votes in favour of a second referendum on the new Constitution, including an amendment to the quorum requirements of JCR Open Meetings. 4. The JCR Committee is planning to organise some events or seek the grant of additional privileges to JCR members on account of the fact that formals have been severely restricted this term. ________________ ________________ 0. Administrative matters Meeting begins at 19:36. ZA comments on the commitment of the JCR to Corpus democracy. ________________ 1. Use of alcohol left over from the JCR Welcome Drinks (ZA) ZA notes the leftovers from JCR Welcome Drinks - 9l of spirits were bought. 105 Freshers only consumed 4l of alcohol. ZA emphasises that 84 undergrads in his year consumed 12l.[1] Alex Mann (AM) suggests a party. Matthew Wadey (MW) suggests selling alcohol for the punt. EP suggests using it after the second year matriculation. ZA suggests that the group is big and therefore a new purchase would be needed. KEJ cannot confirm whether ‘re-Freshers’ events will go ahead, but he will be happy to assist, references the minutes of the last Committee.[2] The Committee wants to make sure something happens for those were denied their Freshers opportunities last year. AM asks about using the alcohol in the bar for the slack. KEJ says that this has been brought to the attention of the bar, and it can be used. AM queries vote on using the alcohol for ‘re-Freshers’ and states that JCR money can be used for that rather than using the leftover drinks. KEJ notes that the Committee wants to be cost-efficient. ZA will not drink the alcohol, he promises.[3] Vote: JCR votes 24 in favour, with 1 abstention, in using the alcohol for ‘re-Freshers’ events. ________________ 2. Punting (ZA) KEJ laments the sinking of the last JCR punt.[4] Current plan is to buy a new punt or two, to be shared with the MCR, which would be accessible for a nominal fee - around £3-5. The punt would be moored at St. John’s.[5] The punt would cost £600 per year in, subsidised by the JCR, alongside the fees. Lowest price is £6k for a punt, which is roughly the money left in the JCR accounts. JCR won’t go broke, but it will not have the capacity to deal with financial shocks in the coming year. Societies may also see a slight reduction in their budget. The plan is that the punt would be available for summer 2022. ZA notes that Corpus used to have an arrangement with Scudamore’s, which has been cancelled due to COVID reasons. Sam Dixon (SD) asks whether this will be reinstated; no, says KEJ and ZA. EP notes that Scudamore’s private prices are too high. MW suggests storing the punt in College to reduce maintenance. KEJ suggests that John’s housing will be sufficient and that the cost of maintenance comes from use. AM asks what exactly the JCR will be voting on regarding the punt. KEJ sees no reason why we cannot vote on an advance purchase. AH states that this will not affect the budget procedure. ZA notes £5,700 left in the JCR budget, with roughly £4,000 leaving due to stash orders, with the money returning by Lent. £2,000 deposit is needed, but this could be done. AM notes that stash cost £9,000 last year, and that the College said that they would loan us money, if necessary, to support our activities, which have been impacted during the pandemic. AH informs that the JCR budget should start with about £30,000 in the new financial cycle, with £3,000 left after JCR, MCR and sports/societies spending.[6] As societies and sports teams have not used their full allowance, there have been some savings. EP asks that, if we ask not to buy the punt this year, then when, due to the additional money that we have over from COVID. Vote: JCR votes 20 in favour and 1 against, with 5 abstentions, to purchase a new punt. ________________ 3. Constitutional amendment (KEJ) ZA notes that the previous constitution was revised and approved by the JCR in referendum, which has not been approved by the College’s Governing Body (GB). ZA notes that quorum amendments are desired by the Committee, as affirmed and elaborated by KEJ, who suggests that quorum is returned to the previous level in the current constitution, i.e. 25. Two votes are proposed: (1) on the quorum and (2) whether to put it to referendum this term. AM notes that the current figure in the draft was chosen to prevent the Constitution becoming outdated as the College increases in size. KEJ suggests an 8% threshold. IM suggests keeping at 10%, for lack of real difference between proposed quorum thresholds. EP notes low turnout at the present meeting and that it may not be practical to keep 10%. MW notes the risk of an already small group making changes to quorum, KEJ notes that constitutional changes need to be approved by the JCR at large before it can pass. GS agrees with EP about quorum, but asks what is the point of percentage if the percentage is amended to whatever the JCR wants? KEJ notes the key problem is not a move to a percentage-based quorum, but the significant increase in quorum which will come between the old and new constitution. AW questions whether it would not make more sense to have a set number in addition to a smaller percentage, due to the core that always attends meetings (i.e. the Committee). AM approves the point, noting that we have one of the smallest Committees in the University, hence the number of Committee members + percentage may be a good idea.[7] Lachlan Chavasse (LC) notes trouble of calculation, but JC notes that a figure from the start of term could be used, with ZA and KEJ noting that this problem exists in the old constitution for some provisions, such as turnouts for elections. IM suggests that the work of the Constitutional Committee is being ignored and that a written proposal should be tabled instead of an oral motion. EP suggests a vote on holding a referendum, in order to reapprove the old Constitution and to make the proposed amendment. Vote: JCR votes 21 in favour and 6 against, with 1 abstention, to hold another referendum on the Constitution. Vote: JCR votes 17 in favour and 12 against, with 1 abstention, to amend the quorum threshold for JCR Open Meetings to a value which is determined by x number of Committee members + a percentage of non-Committee members, equalling roughly 25 persons. ________________ 4. Alternative arrangements due to lack of formals (ZA) ZA notes that catering is operating at lower capacity, meaning that there is capacity only for one formal or formal-like event per week, most of which will be calendar events, such as Halfway Hall. Alternative arrangements have been discussed with the College. EP suggests ceilidh events, which may be more exciting than a slack.[8] LC notes that College approval would be needed; ZA notes that we are currently bringing ideas together before this is sent to College. MW suggests College members assisting catering with events; ZA states that the untrained will not be allowed into the kitchens. Only kitchen staff are affected in Corpus, rather than front of house.[9] JC asks whether the front of house can assist; KEJ notes that College is trying to train them, but this will take time. Catering has also suggested port and wine events; Edoardo Chidichimo (EC) states that this is a bit too ‘CUCA’.[10] ZA relays that the Senior Tutor and Master have affirmed that Hall provision will continue. EP suggests external catering for an event, such as canapes, before an event, such as a ceilidh. GS suggests that Wednesday and Sunday Hall may be extended, for which College members may be allowed to bring their own alcohol. This is still pending discussion with and approval from College, however. Summary: The JCR Committee is planning to organise some events or seek the grant of additional privileges to JCR members on account of the fact that formals have been severely restricted this term. ________________ 5. AOB KEJ relays from the Bar, that there is the possibility that students may be allowed to work, but this has not been approved by College, even if considerations are underway. AM notes that Leck Bar has not allowed students to return to work. AM notes that there needs to be longer notice before Open Meetings.[11] Meeting ends at 20:21. ________________ [1] We would like to note that the Corpus JCR Committee does not endorse copious drinking. [2] See Agenda Point 3 ‘Alternative arrangements for formals’ JCR Committee Minutes 6.10.2021. [3] There was no independent inventory of the alcohol, so how can we be sure he hasn’t already? [4] Despite the lack of punt, the JCR maintains the semi-official position of ‘Admiral of the Punt’, a sinecure currently held by President Harry Taylor. [5] At least it won’t be at Trinity; every cloud has a silver lining etc. [6] The MCR Committee is financed solely through the money which it receives from the JCR, which takes a big chunk of JCR funding. [7] At this point JC asks me to note that she loves me. Duly noted. [8] From Wikipedia, for the benefit of those unfamiliar: “A cèilidh (/ˈkeɪli/ KAY-lee, Scottish Gaelic: [ˈkʲʰeːlɪ]) or céilí (Irish: [ˈceːlʲiː]) is a traditional Scottish or Irish social gathering. In its most basic form, it simply means a social visit. In contemporary usage, it usually involves dancing and playing Gaelic folk music, either at a house party or a larger concert at a social hall or other community gathering place.” [9] Other Colleges are facing staff shortages, albeit in different areas: Agenda Point 3 ‘Alternative arrangements for formals’ JCR Committee Minutes 6.10.2021. [10] Acronym for the ‘Cambridge University Conservative Association’. As the JCR Committee is staunchly apolitical (s. 1(g) JCR Constitution), no comment is made on the accuracy of EC’s observation. [11] Apologies, AM.