Drug assisted assault

Drink spiking

Police indicate that 1 in 3 victims of drug assisted rape, most commonly through drinks being spiked, are students. The symptoms mimic those of being very drunk, so it is important to be aware for both you and your friends.

Common “date rape” drugs include GHB and rohypnol, both of which are difficult to detect.

If you or a friend feel odd, nauseous or drunk after only a couple of drinks, leave immediately and go to a place of safety. If you are alone or with a stranger, call friends to tell them where you are and/or go to the landlord and explain your situation.

Once safe, seek medical help. If you want to report the attack to the police, it is very important to do so as soon as possible because all traces of the drug in the blood usually disappear within 24 hours. If you do decide to go to the police, remember that they will not prosecute anyone for drug offences if they have come to report being drugged and assaulted. No matter how much you drank or how many drugs you took, any sexual assault is a serious crime and absolutely not your fault. If you have been attacked, you might want to contact the CSU Women’s Officer for support