Active Policies Archive
This page contains an exhaustive list of JCR Active Policies that were passed after the migration to the new JCR website, that have now lapsed; for any APs that were passed before the migration, please click here.
Lapsed end of Michaelmas Term 2024
Squash Budget: details the funding that societies, sports teams and subjects can claim for ‘squash’ events. (PDF) (Accessible)
Communal Ownership of Sports Equipment: requires sports teams to share equipment wherever possible and use shared secure storage. (PDF) (Accessible)
Paper Advertising: prevents the JCR from funding paper advertising for societies unless a society is unusually dependent on paper advertising. (PDF) (Accessible)
Halfway Hall: provides guidance on the running of ‘Halfway Hall’ for second-year students. (PDF) (Accessible)
JCR Slacks: mandates a Welfare Area at slacks and provides for a toilet cubicle to be locked for the benefit of Old Court residents. (PDF) (Accessible)
Preparations for Formal Hall: allows Catering to begin preparing Hall during normal dinner service on evenings with Formal Hall. (PDF) (Accessible)
Background Heating: details that Background Heating the measures used to determine when the heating will be turned on and off (PDF) (Accessible)
Lapsed start of Michaelmas Term 2024
JCR Committee Elections: governs the running of JCR elections and explains the rules that candidates must follow (PDF) (Accessible)
Hybrid Meetings: establishes rules to ensure the security and integrity of online and hybrid attendance and voting at Open Meetings (PDF) (Accessible)
Punt Hire: sets out the system for charging students, staff, fellows and alumni for using the Corpus JCR/MCR punts (PDF) (Accessible) IMPORTANT NOTE as of 2023 the punt is not available for alumni to book.
NB: Updated Easter Term 2024 (PDF)
Class Act: guides students in self-identification as part of the electorate for the Class Act Officer (PDF) (Accessible)
NB: Updated Easter Term 2024 (PDF)
Ethnic Minorities: guides students in self-identification as part of the electorate for the Ethnic Minorities Officer (PDF) (Accessible)
NB: Updated Easter Term 2024 (PDF)
Lapsed start of Lent Term 2024
JCR President’s Room: explains the allocation of O0 to the President, treated as a prize room, and the processes if the president rejects this.
NB: Updated Michaelmas Term 2023 (PDF) (Accessible)
Accessible Formats: requires the JCR Committee to provide all documents in an accessible format.
Accessibility Statements: requires the JCR Committee to provide accessibility information for events.
Confidentiality in Welfare and Liberation roles: details the Welfare Team’s confidentiality policy.
JCR Committee Gift Declaration: requires Committee Officers to declare gifts received in relation to their role.
Lapsed end of Michaelmas Term - 2023
Funding of Food and Drink: limits the cases in which the JCR funds food and drink, except for ‘squash’ events and other exemptions.
Referendum Debate Procedure: governs the running of referendum debates, e.g. regarding the JCR’s relationship with Cambridge SU.
Use of College Lawns during Easter Term: allows students to sit on certain College Lawns during Easter Term during specific times of day, subject to proper use.
Access to College during Easter Term: prevents tourists entering College during Easter Term before the end of undergraduate exams.
Lapsed end of Lent Term - 2023
JCR Policies: governs the operations of JCR Active Policies.
Resignation Procedure: explains the resignation procedure for JCR Committee officers.
Green Officer: outlines the role of the JCR Green Officer and their relationship with College.
NB: Updated Michaelmas Term 2024 (PDF)
Disabled Students Officer: outlines the role of the JCR Disabled Students Officer and their relationship with College.
Lapsed end of Michaelmas Term - 2022
Room Ballot: governed the operations of the Room Ballot, including the sets in S staircase, prize rooms, the Reserve List, and the Fourth Year ballot.
NB: Updated Michaelmas Term 2023 (PDF) (Accessible)