Porter’s Lodge and Tutorial

Porters' Lodge
Opening hours
Main Gates shut at 7.30pm. The gate may still be accessed using A20 through the smaller central gate.
Bene’t Street Gate: Access with A20, 24/7. Reminder to shut the O-Staircase gate after 7:30pm on weekdays, and on weekends.
Bursar's Garden Gate: Open 6am—7.30pm, Monday—Friday with A20.
The Porters Lodge is open 24hrs a day. If the on-duty Porter is temporarily away they can be contactable by the main College landline (01223 338000).
Before you collect your keys at the beginning of Michaelmas term, you'll have to sign your room lease. To save time, you are advised to read the generic tenancy agreement before arriving in Cambridge.
Undergraduates should collect the keys to their accommodation from the Porters’ Lodge and must return it to the Porters’ Lodge upon their departure from College. A charge of £10 per key will be levied to replace any key, which is lost or not returned.
You will receive a tagged set of keys comprising:
Your room key
An A20 key: access to all College gates including those in Leckhampton, the laundry rooms, and the squash court. Please note the gate between the Fellows’ Garden and Free School Lane is only opened with an A20 key Monday-Friday 6am-7.30pm.
If you are living in a building accessed via an electronic lock where access is via your university card, you will be issued this via your university card or a temporary fob for access to your room until you collect your university card (see IT Services section)
Postgraduates can collect their room keys from the Leckhampton Office with prior arrangement with the Deputy Housekeeper or from the Porter’s Lodge. Please contact accommodation@corpus.cam.ac.uk
If you lock yourself out, you can obtain a duplicate room key from the Porters, but this must be returned within two days. The Porters will not give out the duplicate key to your room to anyone but you, so take extra care when you're going to the shower or if you live in Newnham or T-Street!
You are strongly advised to ensure that your room is firmly locked at all times. If you live in Bene't, Botolph, Beldam, Newnham or T--Street you should also make a point of seeing that the front door closes behind you when they leave the building. Under no circumstances should doors be propped open as it only takes a thief a few seconds to make an illegal entry.
You are not permitted, under any circumstances, to create a copy of your room key or the A20 key.
All students are allocated a pigeonhole in the College’s postroom in D Staircase, which means all mail may be addressed to the central College site (see the address below). However, students living offsite can get their mail delivered to their house address, though this may lead to complications when you move. Students living at Leckhampton will have a pigeonhole at Leck House and can use this address too.
When you are expecting packages, you will receive an email updating you when it has arrived, they will then be taken to the postroom where you can find them at the rear behind the pigeonholes.
Location | Postal Address |
Central College site | Corpus Christi College Trumpington Street Cambridge CB2 1RH |
Leckhampton House GTB Kho Building 7 Selwyn Gardens |
Leckhampton 37 Grange Road Cambridge CB3 9BJL |
15, 17, 19, 21 & 23 Cranmer Road | CB3 9BL |
7 Selwyn Gardens | CB3 9AX |
88-90 Barton Road | CB3 9LH |
If you wish to have your mail forwarded after you have graduated, please make sure Tutorial have the correct address to post it to and then speak to the Porters so that this can be arranged.
College Rules
The College Rules can be found on the main College website here.
Smoking in or on any college site is only permitted in the designated smoking areas. These are located in Stable Yard by the Golden Gate and opposite Leckhampton House (Please use the cigarette bins provided). Smoking is not permitted anywhere else on college grounds.
Room bookings
Students can book the McCrum Lecture Theatre or I4 for use by societies. Please email conferencing to book the room who will confirm the booking for you.
When using these rooms please keep them tidy and leave them in the state you would wish to find them. This is important as they are also frequently used by Conferencing for College matters.
Beldam music room
The Corpus Music Practice Room is the College's dedicated space for individual music rehearsal. It contains an upright piano and a music stand. As well as individual piano practice, the room may be used by instrumentalists and vocalists, either individually or with a piano accompanist. It is located in the Beldam building on the ground floor, and may be accessed with a key from the Porter’s Lodge.
To use the room, contact the Director of Music, Nick Danks, at the following email address: music@corpus.cam.ac.uk and please use “Music Practice Room list request” as the subject heading of your email. All Corpus undergraduates and postgraduates are welcome to use this room, provided it is being used for personal music practice.
Once you have been approved as a room user, you must contact the Porters to book the room and book a time slot, which is available between 9:00am and 21:15pm every day. After this, you should be able to collect the keys from the Porters Lodge,
Please note:
• Maximum of 3 people allowed in the room at any one time, the named booker on the system of the room will be responsible for the condition that the room is left in after use.
• No food or drink is allowed in the Practice Room, with the exception of bottled water. Please do not place bottles of water on the piano itself.
• Please take all personal belongings, including sheet music, with you after use.
• Please report immediately any damage to the Practice Room or its piano (whether noticing any upon your arrival or if any occurs during the course of your use) to the Porters in the first instance.
Users should book their use of the room online: here. Rooms will be booked on a first come first served basis.
For experienced players/instrumentalists, there is some potential to use the Chapel piano, the piano in the McCrum Lecture Theatre or (for organists) the Chapel organ. Such use is subject to availability and should be requested through the Director of Music.
Users of all these spaces are responsible for the care and state of these rooms and any instruments used in them during their particular time of occupation. Any problems should be reported to the Porters immediately, either on discovery at the start of the users session or the moment something untoward occurs.
The University requires all bicycles belonging to students to be marked with a letter and number, preferably on the rear mudguard. When you buy a bike, you should apply at the Porters' Lodge for the allocation of a number (this is simple, just go to the Porters' Lodge and you'll be given a sticker). Unmarked bicycles will be removed from College bicycle racks. Bicycles must not be ridden anywhere in College, or left anywhere in College, except in the bicycle racks provided.
To protect your bike, the Cambridgeshire police suggest you register your bike with Immobilise. It only takes a couple of minutes do to and it's free. All you need is your bike model, make and frame number. Once you've registered it, you will have a better chance of getting it back if it gets lost or stolen. You can also register other property at the same time, such as your mobile phone or laptop.
If you can't find your bike frame number, have a look:
Underneath the pedals on the bottom of the frame,
On the frame near the handlebars,
On the frame where the seat post fits,
On the frame towards the back wheel.
If your bike is stolen, report it to the police on 01223 358966 and mark it as stolen on your Immobilise account as soon as possible. Reporting your bike as lost or stolen helps the police match its description and return it to you. 700--800 stolen bikes are recovered every year because they were registered, so this is the best chance you have of getting your bike back.
If you own a bike, you can store it in the Beldam bike area, inside the Botolph courtyard, in the Newnham House bike rack (to the right of the entrance) and underneath the T-Street main entrance. You are not allowed to store your bike in your room.
Cars and motorbikes
Undergraduates who wish to park a vehicle in College property should follow the guidance contained within https://www.proctors.cam.ac.uk/motor-control. They should also seek the consent of their Tutor. Any questions about parking from students should be directed to the Head Porter in the first instance.
Porters' Lodge queries
If you have any questions, please email the Porter’s Lodge (porters@corpus.cam.ac.uk). Alternatively, the Porter's Lodge is open 24 hours a day or can be reached on 01223 338000.
If you have any questions about room leases or term dates, feel free to contact the JCR Secretary, the JCR Vice President or the Tutorial Office.
There are two types of room lease available at Corpus. These are the 30--week lease, which on average runs for 10 weeks spanning each term and the extended lease, which runs from the beginning of Michaelmas term right through to the end of Graduation Week, following the end of Easter term. More information about the two leases is available here.
Every year, when you come up at the beginning of Michaelmas term, you will have to sign your tenancy agreement in the Porters' Lodge, prior to you being given your room keys. However, as there's often not much time to look through the lease between receiving it and having to sign it, you're advised to read the generic tenancy agreement before arriving in Cambridge.
Lease dates
Each lease period begins at 4pm on the stated day and ends at 10am, other than the beginning of the lease for freshers, who should arrive by noon. On the last day of your lease, please vacate your room promptly by 10am, otherwise you will receive a fine.
Keeping term and exeats
To meet the University's requirements for graduation, you must be in residence for three-quarters of each term and have been a member of the University for nine terms. You are expected to be in residence during the whole of Full Term, as this is when lectures, supervisions and other teaching will take place. If you come up after the beginning of Full Term, or sign out at the Porters' Lodge during Full Term, you must remain in residence for an equal number of nights following the end of Full Term so that the term is counted.
Because the College has to keep an accurate record of how many nights you have been in residence, if you wish to leave Cambridge overnight during term time you will need to obtain an exeat from the Porters' Lodge:
For one or two successive nights, an exeat is obtained simply by signing out in the exeat book.
For three or more nights, an exeat must be signed by either the Dean or your Tutor and then handed in at the Porters' Lodge before you leave. You can get an exeat form for this from the Porters.
When you get back, it's important to report your return to the Porters so that the correct number of nights away is recorded.
If you don't follow these requirements you can get a £10 fine.
Vacation arrangements
Towards the end of each term (or just at the end of the year if you are on the extended lease), Tutorial will email you inquiring your vacation plans, including dates of your departure and of your return. If you change your plans, please let Tutorial know as soon as possible.
You may incur a fine if you fail to pack away your possessions as detailed below, or fail to vacate your room by 10.00am.
Please remember to sign down in the Porters' Lodge when you leave, and sign up when you return, so that College has an accurate record of the number of nights you have been in Cambridge to ensure they can state that you have kept the term.
Storage facilities
Please bear in mind that many of the College's guests during the vacation periods will be under--age and/or from a very different cultural background, belief system or faith. College would like their stay to be memorable for all the right reasons, so if you are leaving belongings in your room over the Christmas or Easter vacation:
Clear all surfaces of personal items (i.e. removed from desks, windowsills and around basins),
Take down all posters and pictures,
All books, files and folders should be packed away,
All personal belongings should either be removed from the room, or locked into a cupboard, suitcase or box. If possible, the suitcase or box should be left out of sight. If your bedroom furniture/storage is lockable, make sure one wardrobe is left empty and unlocked for guests. Items left in your room are done so at your own risk.
Don't leave any alcohol in your room, please take it away with you
Fines may be issued where rooms require excessive time or expense to make ready for guests, or to clear personal items.
Please remember that any items you leave in your room are left there entirely at your own risk.
For the Long Vacation, you cannot leave any belongings in your room, even if you are returning to the same room in the following year. If you do leave any belongings in your room, these may be disposed of at your own cost. There is limited storage space available over the Long Vacation for non-English students. This is limited to:
No more than 2 good sized boxes and one suitcase.
If you want to use storage, please label your belongings clearly on all sides so they can easily be identified and arrange a time with the Porters for the store room to be opened. You should note that the College's insurance does not cover items left in storage, so it is worth checking that you are covered for personal possessions in "secure storage designated by your College authority during a vacation".
Vacation accommodation
To stay in college for additional nights, you have to fill in an online form sent by the Tutorial (emailed at the middle of each term) asking your Director of Studies or Tutor to send an email of support by the deadline.
If you have been given permission to remain in residence over a vacation, it is likely that you will have to move rooms. When doing so, you must vacate your normal room by 10am. If the room lease ends during a weekend, you may be asked to move rooms on a weekday in order to allow any problems with the temporary room to be reported to Housekeeping as they are discovered. You should take all your necessary belongings to the temporary room with you, as you will not have access to your normal room over the vacation.
Exam enrolment is carried out via your Camsis Self-service account during Michaelmas Term. Firstly, discuss your papers with your Director of Studies and ensure that what you propose to take has his or her approval. You can then enrol for your exams through your personal account on CamSIS (you'll receive an email from the Tutorial Office, with detailed instructions, when you have to do this). If you don't have any paper options, please register for your exams as soon as possible. Your DoS will then go on--line and authorise your entry. In Lent Term you will be emailed by the Tutorial Office to check that your entry is correct and again, via Camsis, "verify" your enrolment.
University cards
Your University Card is very important as not only does it let you into the Taylor Library and allow you to take out books from the library, you can also use it to purchase items in the Pelican Bar and in Hall... so don't lose it! You will need to use your University Card as proof of your identity when you sit your Tripos examinations as well. Treat your University Card as you would a credit card. Please don't keep it in your back pocket and sit on it as it will break.
If you have lost your University Card, please visit the IT Office. Unless its been stolen, it will cost you about £15 to replace, which will be added onto your College bill. If it has been stolen and has been reported to the police, the fee is waived if you can give Tutorial a Crime Number.
If your University Card has stopped working for no visible reason (e.g. if it's not bent or cracked), then you should visit the I.T. Office to see if it can be fixed. If it can't, they will order you a replacement free of charge. It's worth noting though that sometimes College will "stop" your card from working if you haven't paid your College bill.
Corpus students will graduate on the Thursday in Graduation Week (the week after May Week at the end of Easter Term). Tutorial will send you an e--mail when booking for graduation opens (this is towards the end of Lent Term), asking you to apply to graduate via your CamSIS self--service account. At the same time, you'll be able to:
Reserve your place at the Graduation Dinner (on the Wednesday in Graduation Week),
Book tickets for the Graduation Senior Tutor's Buffet (on the Thursday in Graduation Week),
Book tickets for the Graduation Ceremony for your guests,
Sign up for an individual session with the photographer.
The College website has useful information on the following things to do with graduation:
Tutorial queries
If you have any questions or queries regarding anything, please email the Tutorial Administrators. Alternatively, the Tutorial Office is located in A--staircase (room A8) and is open 9am--5pm. You can also contact Wendy on 01223 7(64296) or Emma on 01223 738059.