JCR Feedback and Contact Forms
What is happening regarding the College Rules?
Alex and Niamh are meeting with the Dean, Bursar and Senior Tutor to regularly review the college rules. The JCR believe that the college should facilitate safe meetings within the college to ensure that students aren’t faced with the choice between being at potentially a greater risk and facing a financial burden on socialising or not socialising at all.
The college rules are by no means a fixed document and will be updated regular. Rules may be relaxed if the household testing is successful (but this will require high participation).
Can I be granted an exception to college rules because I am in a relationship?
Under the current rules, only people from your household can enter your room as well as one other Corpus Student, as long as government regulations are followed. This means that if your partner does not fall in this category they are currently not able to enter your room. The JCR understands the importance of relationships for physical and mental health of students, however until more information is known about the number of cases this presents a high risk to the college community. If this issue applies to you, please do fill in the JCR Feeling Regarding the College Rules form so we can gauge the desire for this to be relaxed in the future and work with college to be as flexible as possible.
I have a problem with my kitchen facilities or no access to a shower, what should I do?
In the first instance, it is best to contact 'accomodation@corpus.cam.ac.uk' outlining your query or concern. I would also recommend contacting your tutor if you are having any problems.
For all other problems with your room that aren't due to the householding please contact maintenance via email (maintenance@corpus.cam.ac.uk). Feel free to contact Greg : jcr-catering@corpus.cam.ac.uk or just to cc him on emails.
Please also fill in this survey so we can track common problems: Householding & Accommodation Form.
I am having problems with a shared space, what should I do?
If you have an issue pertaining to:
Then please fill in this survey: Shared College Facilities and Services. It may also be worth contacting your tutor if it is a repeated concern.
I want to have a gathering of more than 6 in a college space, what should i do?
If you want to organise a sporting event then please contact Marcus Hicks and he will guide you through what to do.
The JCR has no power to give permission for gatherings over 6 and all JCR events organised over this number have undergone a strict risk assessment and will have college staff present to ensure the risk assessment is adhered too.
Another student has failed to follow the rules and I feel I have been put at risk, what should I do?
College should be a place where everyone feels safe and if you feel your safety has been put at risk by anyone, students or staff, then we encourage you to speak to your tutor. This will be confidential and you will be advised on how you can proceed, if you wish to do so. This may allow the situation to be resolved informally.