Leckhampton Facilities

Squash court

The squash courts are now open (as of 12/04/21).

The squash court is highly popular, so to ensure it's free when you want to play you should book a court online using the JCR's squash court booking system. Please try to keep the court as safe as possible by only wearing suitable (clean!) footwear. There are a few spare rackets and a couple balls by the court - do look after them.

Tennis courts in general

The tennis courts are now available to use (as of 29/03/21).

Rackets & balls are normally kept next to the squash court. At the times when tennis has been allowed but squash hasn’t (29/03/21 - 12/04/21), the captain (David Hardman), has been getting these to whoever wants them: drop him an email (dsh46) or facebook message.

  • Grass courts are only open during summer, so currently closed. They’re on the other side of the hedge directly next to the hard courts: no key required! Once available in the summer; Make a booking

Hard tennis courts #1

The Corpus Tennis courts are located in the corner of Leckhampton pitches. Entering from Cranmer road they are in the far right corner behind the Basketball and Netball Courts. Please BRING AN A20 to get in. Enjoy the facilities but please leave them in the same state you find them! Use this link to make a booking.

Hard Tennis Courts #2

Make a booking.


No booking is required - the croquet set is located in a case under the Leckhampton House patio and is available for use in the Leckhampton Gardens during the summer; just turn up and use it as and when you want to. Please remember to to return all the balls and mallets to the case once you’re done.



The gym welcomes all students for use at any time of day. It is, however, unsupervised, so use is at your own risk and thus bringing a friend along is always a sensible idea, especially if you plan to use weights.

Do I need an induction?

Please reference this page for more information on inductions and rules.