Active Policies


These are the active policies of the JCR. Policies lapse after two years. The JCR Vice President shall refer policies about to lapse to an Open Meeting for either reaffirmation or lapse. Current active policies are listed below.

Please note that the policy pages linked below may include older/archived forms of policies; unless otherwise stated, the most recent uploaded file is the current form of the policy.

Current Active Policies

Passed/Last renewed on 18th of February 2025:

  • Communal Ownership of Sports Equipment: requires sports teams to share equipment wherever possible and use shared secure storage. (PDF) (Accessible)

  • Paper Advertising: prevents the JCR from funding paper advertising for societies unless a society is unusually dependent on paper advertising. (PDF) (Accessible)

  • Halfway Hall: provides guidance on the running of ‘Halfway Hall’ for second-year students. (PDF) (Accessible)

  • JCR Slacks: mandates a Welfare Area at slacks and provides for a toilet cubicle to be locked for the benefit of Old Court residents. (PDF) (Accessible)

  • Preparations for Formal Hall: allows Catering to begin preparing Hall during normal dinner service on evenings with Formal Hall. (PDF) (Accessible)

  • Confidentiality in Welfare and Liberation roles: details the Welfare Team’s confidentiality policy. (PDF) (Accessible)

  • Use of College Lawns during Easter Term: allows students to sit on certain College Lawns during Easter Term during specific times of day, subject to proper use. (PDF) (Accessible)

  • Access to College during Easter Term: prevents tourists entering College during Easter Term before the end of undergraduate exams. (PDF) (Accessible)

  • Disabled Students Officer: outlines the role of the JCR Disabled Students Officer and their relationship with College. (PDF) (Accessible)

  • JCR Policies: governs the operations of JCR Active Policies. (PDF) (Accessible)

Passed/last renewed on 15th of November 2024:

  • Charities Fund: small charge to college bills to raise funds for charitable causes. (PDF) (Accessible)

    • NB: The Charities Fund AP was reaffirmed by ballot in MT 2024

  • Entertainments Officer: allows for two persons to run jointly for the Ents officer position, as well as elucidating the responsibilities of the Ents Officer. (PDF) (Accessible)

  • Hybrid Meetings: establishes rules to ensure the security and integrity of online and hybrid attendance and voting at Open Meetings. (PDF) (Accessible)

  • JCR Committee Election Procedure: governs the running of JCR elections and explains the rules that candidates must follow. (PDF) (Accessible)

Passed/last renewed on 13th of June 2024:

  • Referendum Debate Procedure: governs the running of referendum debates, e.g. regarding the JCR’s relationship with Cambridge SU. (PDF) (Accessible)

  • Accessible Formatting: requires the JCR Committee to provide all documents in an accessible format. (PDF) (Accessible)

  • Accessibility Statements: requires the JCR Committee to provide accessibility information for events. (PDF) (Accessible)

  • JCR Gift Declaration: requires Committee Officers to declare gifts received in relation to their role. (PDF) (Accessible)

  • JCR Room Booking: sets general restrictions on the amount of time a group / individual is allowed to book the JCR to 8 hours / week. (PDF) (Accessible)

  • Punt Hire: sets out the system for charging students, staff, and fellows for using the Corpus JCR/MCR punts. (PDF) (Accessible)

  • Ethnic Minorities: guides students in self-identification as part of the electorate for the Ethnic Minorities Officer; with reference to the Haroon Ahmed Society. (PDF) (Accessible)

  • Class Act: guides students in self-identification as part of the electorate for the Class Act Officer; with reference to the Haroon Ahmed Society. (PDF) (Accessible)

  • Green Officer: sets out the responsibilities of the JCR Green Officer; the Green Officer also chairs the Charities Subcommittee. (PDF) (Accessible)

  • Charities Fund: small charge to college bills to raise funds for charitable causes. (PDF) (Accessible)

    • NB: This was updated in MT 2024, and passed by ballot in MT 2024

Passed/last renewed on 14th February 2023:

  • JCR President’s Room: explains the allocation of O0 to the President, and the processes if the president rejects this. (PDF) (Accessible)

  • Cultural Events: requires the JCR to run an annual survey of religious and cultural groups in college, to create a calendar of relevant events. (PDF) (Accessible)

  • Room Ballot: governs the operations of the Room Ballot, including the sets in S staircase and the Fourth Year ballot. (PDF) (Accessible)

Passed/last renewed on 29th November 2022: LAPSED - Michaelmas Term 2024

  • Background Heating: details that Background Heating the measures used to determine when the heating will be turned on and off. (PDF) (Accessible)

Lapsed Active Policies

Lapsed active policies from before the new website can be found here.

All lapsed active policies from after the migration to this website can be found here.