Corpus has two libraries–the Taylor Library and the Parker Library. The Taylor Library is the student library, whilst the Parker Library houses the College’s manuscripts.
Taylor Library
The Taylor Library is the College library for students and is designed to supplement your faculty libraries and the University Library. It is open 24 hours a day and is accessed using your University Card.
You are reminded that no food or drink (with the exception of bottled water) is to be taken into the library or consumed there. If you need a glass of water whilst studying, feel free to use the water machine in the entrance hall.
Please click here for more information about the Taylor Library.
Borrowing books and DVDs
The library offers a good range of books and DVDs. You can borrow a combination of any 10 items for 2 weeks at a time. You can also borrow up to 10 items for the duration of a vacation. These can be taken out, returned and renewed using the self-service machine by the entrance on the ground floor, unless we are getting close to the end of term when you will receive an email from the librarians to say all items have to be returned by a set date. Of course, you can check these books out again later and borrow them for the vacation, as has already been said. Please make sure you correctly borrow your books before taking them out of the library, as the library is protected by a security system, an alarm will go off if you don?t. You will have been shown how to do this during the library tour in Freshers? Week.
To help you find books, the Taylor Library’s floor plan can be found here and its classification scheme is as follows:
First Floor:
Political Theory C
Economics G
Theology H, J
Philosophy K
Sociology SOC
Ground Floor:
Geography, Biological Sciences, Pyschology, Archaeology, Anthropology M
Engineering N
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry P
Law Q
Asia and Middle East T
Reference (Dictionaries) REF
Past Tripos Exams Exam
Current and Past (Bound) Journals Journals
Development DEV
Lower Ground Floor:
British History A
European History B
Ancient History D
Classics E, F, G
Music O
English Literature and Criticism W
Fine Arts FA
Architecture FA(B)
French Language and Literature X
German Language and Literature Y
Linguistics and Other Languages, Film & Cinema Z
Computer Room
The Computer Room is located on the ground floor and can be accessed 24 hours a day. It has four computers, an industrial hole punch, industrial stapler, guillotine and report binding machine for you to use at your leisure. There is also a good quality printer and photocopier which can be used at any time. All printing and photocopying is done via your University card. Simply swipe your card against the printer to activate your account, once you have already selected items to print from one of the computers. Charges will go through to your college bill, which will be paid at the end of each term. The current copying charges are 5p (black and white) and 12p (colour) per sheet.
If you have any questions about computing in Corpus, please email the Computer and IT Manager. Alternatively, the Computing Office is located in E–staircase (room E1) and is open 9am–5pm, Monday–Friday. The Computer and IT Manager can also be contacted on 01223 7(66269).
The library has 14 lockers, in which you can leave your belongings if you are having a short break from work. Ideally these are for students who live away from the main College site, to save them the trek back to their rooms. If you would like to use a locker, please speak to the librarians. Please note that lockers require a £6 deposit, which will be given back upon safe return of the key. This is to cover charges for any key losses.
Taylor Library queries
If you have any questions about the Taylor Library, or would like to request or renew books, please email the Taylor Librarians. Alternatively, the librarians are normally in the Taylor Library Office 9am–5.30pm, Monday–Friday or can be contacted on 01223 3(38052).
If you would like to request a book, please use this form here.
Parker Library
The Parker Library houses medieval and renaissance manuscripts and early printed books. The collection comprises of over 600 manuscripts, around 480 of which were given by to the College by Matthew Parker, former Master of the College and former Archbishop of Canterbury, who also donated around 1000 printed volumes. Highlights include the Anglo–Saxon Chronicle, the best manuscript of Chaucer’s Troilus and a sixth–century Gospel book from Canterbury, which is used for the enthronement of each new Archbishop of Canterbury and is the oldest illustrated Latin Gospel book now in existence.
You can view the majority of the Parker Library’s manuscripts online by visiting Parker Library on the Web. The rare books in the collection have also been catalogued in Newton. If you come across a book with the Parker Library classmark that you would like to consult, please contact the librarians.
Although undergraduates do not normally work in the Parker Library, it is well worth a visit to see the various exhibitions mounted each term. You are also welcome to bring friends and relatives. As the librarians are not always free, it’s best to arrange a visit in advance using the contact details below.
Parker Library queries
If you have any questions about the Parker Library or would like to arrange a visit, please email the Parker Library Sub–Librarians. Alternatively, the Sub–Librarians are normally in the Parker Library 9am–4.30pm, Monday–Friday (ring the bell by the Parker Library door) or can be contacted on 01223 3(38025).
The UL and other libraries
Full details of the UL opening hours can be found here.
The following links give information on the UL and the services it provides:
In additional to the Taylor Library and the UL, you can use many other libraries that are associated with the University: