Commitee nominations to open 12/11

Nominations for the rest of the committee are opening on Thursday. I will send out further information about this on Thursday. The roles available are listed below, the committee will do an intro to their roles on the facebook page soon but feel free to reach out to them if you interested. The relevant part of the constitution has been attached below for eligibility for roles (nominators must also be eligible to vote).


The roles are:

  1. the Vice President (‘VP’),

  2. the Secretary,

  3. the Treasurer,

  4. three Welfare Officers,

  5. the Access Officer,

  6. the Green Officer,

  7. the Catering, Accommodation and Facilities Officer (‘CAF Officer’),

  8. the Sports and Societies Officer,

  9. the Entertainments Officer (‘Ents Officer’),

  10. the Ethnic Minorities Officer,

  11. the International Students Officer,

  12. the LGBT+ Officer,

  13. the Gender Equalities Officer,

  14. the Disabled Students' Officer (‘DSO’).

As much as it is wonderful for democracy, the Presidential Nominations form may have allowed for illegitimate nominations to take place. To the dismay of many, I will be making a new spreadsheet for nominations. Please Email me with your nomination for President (Presidential nominations closing 17th of November at 10pm). I will not be able to accept any nominations for other positions until Thursday.



Corpus Christi JCR President



Corpus takes SU relationship to ballot!


Presidential nominations to open 5/11