What is it? After chlamydia, gonorrhoea (“the clap”) is the second most common bacterial sexually transmitted infection in the UK; with the highest rates seen in women aged 16–19 and men aged 20–24 years.
How can I catch it? Gonorrhoea is caught through intercourse (vaginal, oral or anal) or genital contact with an infected partner.
Symptoms: Common symptoms are a painful and burning sensation when passing urine and a yellowish discharge from the penis or vagina. Men and women with rectal infections may experience discharge from the anus and anal discomfort.
Some infected individuals, mainly women, may be asymptomatic following infection. This highlights the need for safe sex and regular check ups at a GUM clinic!
How can I treat it? Gonorrhoea is easy to treat with antibiotics (often a single dose) but if left untreated may, like chlamydia, lead to PID in women and more widespread infection in men.
If you have any questions, speak to your nurse or doctor, or see the sexual health useful contacts list.