Constitutional Amendment Ballot

As I’m sure you are all aware the constitution has been largely rewritten over the summer in order to fill some gaps that became evident in Lent Term and hopefully make it more accessible.

The constitution was approved open meeting with 34 in favour and 3 abstentions. The proposed and current versions of the constitution can be found here:

The current constitution can be found here.

The constitution going to ballot can be found here.

An explanation of changes can be found here

This post (and email) is to send notice that a ballot for approval of the proposed constitution and all amendments to take effect.  Polling will be open at 9am on Friday 30/10/2020 and will close at 10pm on Saturday 31/10/2020. I will send another email soon with the link to voting site.

The quorum for this ballot is 50% of all undergraduate members so please do vote.

Yours democratically,



Corpus Christi JCR President




Presidential nominations to open 5/11


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