The 2021 JCR Committee (Lent Term, archived)
President: Zachary Aw Zheng Quan
Hey! My name is Zac [he/him] and I’m a second year Engling from Sarawak, Malaysia. As your JCR President, my main duties are chairing JCR Committee and Open meetings, representing student interests whilst liaising with College, and working closely with the VP and other committee members on matters like student welfare and college services/facilities. In my free time I enjoy gaming, as well as silently despairing over my degree progress/lack thereof (the two are totally not interlinked). Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, doubts, or just for a chat at anytime
Vice-President: Kit Edgecliffe-Johnson
Hi all. I’m Kit [he/him], and I’m a second year HSPS student. This year I’m Corpus’ 2021 Vice-President, and was previously Welfare Officer on last year’s JCR. As Vice-President, it’s my responsibility to lobby for student interests at all levels of college, from welfare provision to sexual health supplies to regular meetings with the college executive. I chair biweekly meetings with the Tutorial Office, and run Freshers’ Week and the Room Ballot. Drop me a message if I can help with anything!
Secretary: Robin Denham
Hiya, my name's Robin [he/him] and I'm a 4th year MMLer! You'll get a lot of emails from me about meetings, minutes, and the highlight of any Corpuscle's week: the Corporeal newsletter. Do get in touch if you have any events or societies to advertise, or if you want to have a crack at the puzzle!
Academic and Access: Jamie Louise Charles
As a student on the inaugural Corpus Christi Bridging Course, it became clear to me that Corpus is capable of delivering innovative and effective access events. Access work is designed to do all of the ‘Cambridge myth-busting’, provide people (regardless of background) with useful information and encourage them to join our corpuscle community. It’s my job ensure we continue to deliver the best access support that we can. As a PBS student, I’m also very passionate about mental health! Feel free to drop me an email if you want to chat about access or welfare.
Treasurer: Annie Huang
Hey there, I'm Annie [she/her] and I'm a 2nd year bio natsci studying Ecology and History, and Philosophy of Science. As the Treasurer I organize the JCR budget for this year. Essentially, I oversee college society funding, including "Squash" funds and one-off purchases. If you have any questions regarding applying for funding for a college society please get in touch!
Sports and Societies: Geethana Yogarajah
Hi, I'm Geethana Yogarajah (often go by GG), a second year medic, and I'm your Sports and Societies Officer. My role involves organising gym inductions, liaising with the groundsman about use of Leckhampton grounds, organising the Corpus Societies' Fair, the annual 5-a-side tournament, Freshers' Sports Day, and the Corpus Challenge with Marcus. Feel free to email me if you'd like to register a new society, would like to give feedback, have any ideas or any questions!
Computing: Izaac Mammadov
Hello all! My name's Izaac and I'm the JCR's Computing Officer. I'm here to help out with all things technical including running elections/referenda and running our amazing Room Ballot (the best thing about Corpus, for the runner up, see my picture). If you can't figure Eduroam out, or the printers are behaving badly, or you just need someone to moan to about how crap the Wi-Fi can be, then I'm your man. I study Maths at Corpus but between the workload I try to get in some Trumpet-playing or Rowing.
Green: Andre Ediagbonya
Hi, my name is Andre and I am this year’s Green Officer on the JCR. I’m a first year History student with a deep interest in Stuart political history and the history of the African diaspora. I aim to build upon the work of previous green officers and the college in general by ensuring that the college sustains, if not improves upon, its existing outstanding green record. Energy, waste and food will be my main areas of focus. Feel free to message me on Facebook or email me with any green ideas.
Welfare: Annie Willis
Hi! I’m Annie and I’m a second year BioNatSci. As part of the welfare team, I’m here to organise the feel-good events that make Corpus such a special community to be a part of. During this tragic pause in ParTeas, we’re here to make sure everyone still feels connected to their friends and college through hosting online challenges and events. There are so many welfare services available, don’t hesitate to get in touch! Fingers crossed I’ll be a friendly face back around college soon, the biscuit jar is ready and waiting!
Welfare: Ben Mulley
Hi! I'm Ben, and I am a first year philosophy student, a massive fan of Aston Villa, and one of the welfare officers on the JCR. This means that I am in constant communication with college about any student welfare needs, so don't be afraid to get in touch! I'm available for a chat about anything, so just drop me a bell, and if I can't help you out I will definitely be able to point you in the right direction.
Disabled Students: Claire Collins
Hi, I’m Claire [she/they] and I’m your DSO for the year! I represent students with physical and mental conditions, and people with SpLDs. Please remember that I am here to help with long-term conditions associated with ‘disability’ as well as short-term issues (e.g. if you broke your leg). I am hoping to make some long-term changes to college this year, but am also available for a chat about anything related to physical, mental and learning needs (even if it’s just to complain about how rubbish it is to have any of them)
Gender Equalities: Eleanor Ivimey-Parr
Hi everyone, my name is Nell [she/her]! I’m your Gender Equalities Officer, and I’m a second year Engling. I’ll be holding film nights, discussion groups and other friendly gender-related events this year, as well as distributing sustainable period products. My job is also to be an advocate for gender equality in Corpus’ policies and student provisions. Please do email or message me with any ideas, thoughts, and complaints, or just for a chat.
LGBT+: James Walker
Hi there! I'm James, a history student from Scotland. I'm here to support all members of Corpus' LGBTQ+ community in any way I can, whether that's through providing specific resources or informal support. I often liaise with the Welfare and other Liberation Officers to ensure that Corpus is an inclusive and safe space for every LGBTQ+ person. I'm always open to new ideas about how LGBTQ+ support and interaction in College could be improved, so please don't hesitate to contact me! Outside of study, I can normally be found reading bad fiction or scrolling through TikTok.
Ethnic Minorities: Anitta Sibin
Hiya ! My name is Anitta, I’m a first year law student from Derry in N. Ireland (which is fun if you’re a Derry Girls fan) and I’m the Ethnic Minorities Officer here at Corpus! My main role here on the JCR is to support and represent students from under-represented backgrounds and voice any concerns they may have. Feel free to shoot me an email anytime if you want to talk about any concerns you may have (no matter how big or small an issue!) or even just for a wee chat
Entertainments: Eimear Pickstone
Hi! I’m Eimear (she/her) and I am your Ents Officer! This means I’m responsible for putting on college slacks, bar events,and anything else that can take your mind off work for a bit. I’m also a first year philosophy student. Please feel free to reach out with any suggestions or questions, whether you’re looking to put on some kind of event yourself or just have general feedback.
Catering, Accommodation and Facilities: George Stokes
Hi, I’m George [he/him], a second-year hispol and your JCR Catering, Accommodation and Facilities Officer. My job is to keep you updated with info on College catering, including formals, and to organise themed formals for special events when they can happen again! I’m also the go-to person for any questions or feedback you have about Hall food, dietary/allergy provision, maintenance issues, replacement of pool cue tips in the bar, and camp beds for guests. Please feel free to get in touch with me by Facebook or email!
International Students: Giorgi Melia
Hi everyone my name is Giorgi [he/him]. I am a second year BioNatsci from Cyprus and your International Officer for this year! My role includes making sure that the interests of international students from all over the world are represented at Corpus. I’m also keen on providing all kinds of support to international students by organising events (both during Fresher’s Week and throughout the year) and helping internationals with the often difficult transition to university in another country.